Data Visualization Software 

Experience a new level of efficiency and effectiveness with our cutting-edge DVS

Data visualization software is designed to facilitate the analysis of data collected offline, typically after conducting test runs within integrated setups. It enables the processing of software data and the consolidation of flight data obtained from ground telemetry stations. The primary goal of this software is to streamline the analysis process by providing a graphical user interface (GUI) for visualization and event summarization, eliminating the need for manual coding.   

Who can use?

Data Visualization Software 

High level Features

Project Creation with flat files

Project Retrieval 

Flexible Flat File Upload

Parameter Mapping 

Time Parameter Quick Analysis

Statistical Parameter Analysis

Visual Data Analysis

Parameter State Transition

Report Generation 

Exporting and importing configurations

Project Creation with flat files

Project Retrieval 

Flexible Flat File Upload

Parameter Mapping 

Time Parameter Quick Analysis

Statistical Parameter Analysis

Exporting and importing configurations

Visual Data Analysis

Parameter State Transition

Report Generation 

DVS Product Details

Flat File Project Creation

The core feature includes the capability to initiate projects with the ability to upload flat files, as well as the option to save the project files according to the user's preference. 

Parameter Mapping

Empowering users to associate and map parameters to particular columns in the uploaded files, facilitating comprehensive parameter analysis as per user preferences.

Visual Data Analysis

Utilizing Visual Analysis, the capability to plot multiple graphs with multiple plots within each graph is available. This analytical approach allows for the creation of up to 8 plots within each graph, aiding in the examination of parameter trends over time and visualizing parameter behavior in relation to time.

Parameter State Transition

Tracking and displaying the state transition of discrete parameters over time enables users to understand how these parameters change and behave over time, offering valuable insights into their temporal behavior.

Flexible Flat File Upload

Seamless flat file uploads from any screen within the application, granting users the flexibility to perform analysis according to their specific requirements. 

Time Parameter Quick Analysis

When a user maps the time parameter in the mapping screen, the system automatically generates quick and efficient summaries of time-related parameters within each file for easy analysis. 

Statistical Parameter Analysis

Providing in-depth statistical analysis for various parameters present in the files, including metrics such as maximum value, minimum value, average value, and standard deviation. 

Report Generation

Report generation is a feature that generates a consolidated report containing all the analysis results along with project details. This report can be exported into a PDF format for easy sharing and documentation.

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